Sample Mounting Machine

Sample Mounting Machine

A Product of Future-Tech Corp. Japan

An official distributor of Future-Tech in Vietnam


The sample mounting machine is one of the main pieces of equipment in the metal sample preparation process (including cutting, casting, grinding, and polishing). The device is widely used in metallurgical testing, hardness testing, and material structure testing.

With a modern design in structure and technology, the machine has a compact shape while still ensuring the quality of castings. 

After being cut by cutting machines, samples such as metal, electronic, alloy, ceramic, etc. will be cast for easy grip when grinding and polishing. At the same time, it does not damage the sample but still preserves it for a long time.

The automatic FTM series helps the operator to simply pre-set the parameters of temperature, cooling, time, pressure by LCD touch screen on the machine face and let the machine run. Besides, the machine has a memory that can save casting programs without having to reset.

Đặc biệt máy vận hành cực kỳ êm ái, nhanh chóng, ổn định, độ ồn thấp và tuyệt đối an toàn.

Types of Future-Tech Sample Mounting Machine

  • FTM-AX series: FTM-32AX / FTM-40AX

Benefits and Features of machine


High accuracy

Outstanding reliability by adopting a completely new design

Easy to clean mold

The whole cycle is automatic (pressurization, heating and cooling)

Durable operation with long life


Modern design with a sturdy body

Benchtop model

Diversity of types and models

Easy-to-use slide mold lid

Silent operation with sturdy construction

High-quality mounting machine series with modern design, saving working space

Machine with automatic sliding cover design. LCD touch panel for operator ease of use.

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